Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why We Don't Force Teeth Brushing

We're all "grown ups" here, right? Remember the time in your life when you were finally on your own? Finally FREE? Maybe it was when you went to college, or when you moved to your own apartment, or whatever. That moment when YOU were in charge of yourself.

Did you brush your teeth? Why? Because someone had drilled it into you day after day that this was what you were supposed to do? Or because y...our teeth felt like they were wearing sweaters if you didn't? Or because people didn't like talking to you with bad breath?

Did you shower? Why? Because someone had drilled it into you day after day that this was what you were supposed to do? Or because you wanted to be clean? Or because you didn't want that guy/gal you like to be offended by your stench?

 Did you eat healthy because someone drilled it into you (you get it)...? Or did you eventually learn that you feel like crap and get all jiggly when you eat too much junk?

Did you spend your money wisely because someone drilled it into you....? Or did you learn the hard way what it means to be broke?

Did you waste a few years being "freedom drunk" before you started being the person you are today? I know I did.

Why then, don't we all let our kids learn these lessons for themselves while they are still kids? While the consequences for making mistakes and learning lessons are pretty minor. Before they are out in the world on their own, making mistakes and learning lessons that can have major, life-long consequences. Why don't we spare them the wasted years figuring it out when they're grown and let them figure life out now?

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