Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Manners vs Obedience

We don't want our children to be obedient, but we do want them to be respectful, kind, and well mannered. So, what is the difference between being obedient and being respectful?

It is all about the "How" and the "Why".

How are you teaching your children to be respectful, kind, and well mannered? If you are being respectful, kind, and well mannered yourself they are learning by your example.

If y...ou are talking with them about the reasons you yourself are respectful, kind, and well mannered they develop an understanding of how mutual respect and kindness is beneficial to themselves and those around them.

If, however, you are not teaching by example and reason; if you are instead just telling them to be respectful, they will see the hypocrisy.

Why are they acting respectful, kind, or well mannered? Is it genuine? Or is it a show, simply to gain your approval or avoid your wrath? Putting on a show is being obedient. We don't want our children to be obedient

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